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- 25 November 20: EU Data Governance Act
Coelition technologies provide implementation frameworks for new European data legislation. - 29 April 20: Understanding MyData Operators
Coelition celebrates the launch of this landmark paper describing human-centric operators of personal data infrastructure. - 25-26 April 19: IoT Tech Expo
Coelition exhibting and speaking at the world’s largest Internet of Things conference series. - 24 January 19: OASIS COEL standard approved
Classification of Everyday Living Version 1.0 approved by the membership as an OASIS Standard. - 29-31 August 18: MyData2018
Developing the minimum interoperability requirements to make different personal data solutions work together in an ecosystem. - 29 Mar 18: Living in the Internet of Things
Debating the roles of trust & privacy in IoT business models. - 1 March 18: OASIS COEL Committee Specification announced
- 14 June 17: Building Digital Identities with Behavioural Attributes
- 28 July 16: Promoting health for chronic conditions
- March 16: Digital Health & Care
- 14 October 15: Signal Noise Hackathon – 18/19 November 15
- 23 September 15: Coelition Logo Grey | Coelition Logo White
(these logos are the registered trademarks of Coelition and must only be used with our permission).