How it works

Your first contact with Coelition, as a consumer, is most likely to have been when you were connected to a new offering from one of our members or associates.

This will probably be a service where you are being asked to provide information that is personal to you on an on-going basis. Coelition provides a transparent framework for you to be able to give clear and unambiguous consent for the services that you want to sign up for.

The privacy terms on which you provide your personal data are consistent for all services that carry the Coelition trust mark. These terms are described here on the Coelition website and in any additional information provided to you by our member. We up-hold the principles that Coelition associates apply to how they collect and use your personal data.

If you agree to these terms then our affiliate can register you and begin supplying you with the services you want.


how it works
  • The organisation offering the service to you is your Operator and they will sign you up with their Data Engine.
  • Your Operator securely retains the directly identifying personal information that describes ‘who you are’ (for example, your name and contact details) and will not share these with another organisation without your permission.
  • The Data Engine securely stores the behavioural information you create when using the service. This is the information that describes ‘what you do’.
  • Our Data Engine partners are expert at securing and processing data. Your Operator is expert at providing you with services that you want and need. Separating these types of data (‘who you are’ and ‘what you do’) allows the different organisations to focus on what they are good at and provides you with extra security.
  • The sign up process is facilitated by Coelition’s IDA service. This ensures that anyone handling your data is registered within the Coelition ecosystem.
  • The Service Provider sits between you and the Data Engine. All Service providers are members of Coelition and they place requests to the Data Engine to use your information to create the services you have signed up for.
  • These services will be provided to you by your Operator.
  • In many cases the Operator will be the same organisation as the Service Provider. In other cases they will be independent of each other (for example, a health practitioner asks you to wear a wristband to measure your lifestyle). In all cases they will either be a member of Coelition or contractually bound to a member with the same obligations.
  • You can make requests to your Operator to see all your data or to be forgotten. These requests will be managed by the Service Provider within the ecosystem.



Coelition is a global, open standards organisation supporting the responsible use of behavioural data.

Why Coelition?

Coelition helps organisations to provide responsible personal data services to individuals.

Case Studies

Trusted services with data protection built in. Understand what Coelition does & what it could do for your organisation.


Coelition membership gives businesses the insight they need to create new opportunities in data-based services.


Coelition provides our members with a trust mark for consumers and a ‘privacy by design’ standard for regulators.


These resources provide information on the background of Coelition and an overview of the COEL Standard.